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Method: "Apprenticing" Home Page

Title: Apprenticing
Abbreviation: NO_DATA
Similar Method: Mentoring
Description: An ancient and timeless methodology for transfering knowledge from masters to students through the use of one-on-one (1-on-1) teaching and learning. In this methodology, the master or teacher transfers knowledge to the student or apprentice and provides customized and often subjective feedback with the intent to teach the student about outcomes. There is an ongoing feedback loop where the master teaches, the apprentice learns, the master criticizes and teaches corrections, and the student applies such learned corrections, until the loop ends and the apprentice becomes a master, him or herself.
Read More: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22apprenticing%22+%22knowledge+management%22&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C31
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