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Method: "Action Learning" Home Page

Title: Action Learning
Abbreviation: AL
Similar Method: Action Research
Description: Action learning is an approach to solving problems. It involves taking action and reflecting upon the outcomes and results as a feedback mechanism that helps improve the problem-solving process as well as the solutions developed by the community or team. The action learning process includes:
  1. a real and important problem (usually complex),
  2. a diverse problem-solving team,
  3. a process that promotes curiosity, inquiry, and reflection,
  4. a requirement that conversation or talk be converted into action and, ultimately, a solution,
  5. a commitment to learning.
In Action Learning, the groups or teams are made up of between six and eight people who meet together regularly over a reasonable time period and ÔpresentÕ and collectively work on problems faced in ongoing practice.
Read More: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22action+learning%22&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C31
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