Semantic Relationships for Descriptive Predicate = "Taxonomy Organization"
(Total Number of Relationships = 5)
Subject Type |
Subject Instance |
is related as a/an |
Predicate/Relationship |
to, of, or for |
Object Type |
Object Instance |
Organization | National Center for Biotechnology Information | is related as a | Taxonomy Organization | to, of, or for | Taxonomy Resource | Biotechnology Technology Resources |
Organization | The International Foundation for Information Technology | is related as a | Taxonomy Organization | to, of, or for | Taxonomy Resource | IF4IT Taxonomies |
Organization | The International Foundation for Information Technology | is related as a | Taxonomy Organization | to, of, or for | Taxonomy Resource | Knowledge Management Taxonomy |
Organization | American Society for Indexing Special Interest Group | is related as a | Taxonomy Organization | to, of, or for | Taxonomy Resource | Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies SIG |
Organization | SynapticaCentral | is related as a | Taxonomy Organization | to, of, or for | Taxonomy Resource | Taxonomy Warehouse |