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Method: "Conversation Mapping" Home Page

Title: Conversation Mapping
Abbreviation: NO_DATA
Similar Method: Mind Mapping
Description: Conversation Mapping, which is a variation of Mind Mapping, is the simple process of planning out a conversation, such as an email stream or a phone call, before your initial engagement with that person. The methodology has been practiced for many decades and arguably perfected by the marketing (e.g. telemarketing) and sales (e.g. telesales) industries, where marketing and sales scripts are prepared in advance of the actual conversations, in hopes of having prepared options for objection handling. The methodology later became adopted by various customer support organizations that prepare call scripts for support calls. The methodology often involves the use of conversation decision trees and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Read More: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22conversation+mapping%22+%22conversation+maps%22&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C31
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