Continent: "Asia" Tabular Relationships View Page
(Total Number of Relationships = 61)
Subject Type |
Subject Instance |
is related as a/an |
Predicate/Relationship |
to, of, or for |
Object Type |
Object Instance |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Afghanistan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Armenia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Azerbaijan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Bahrain |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Bangladesh |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Bhutan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Brunei Darussalam |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Cambodia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | China |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Georgia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Hong Kong |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | India |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Indonesia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Iraq |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Israel |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Japan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Jordan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Kazakhstan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Korea, Republic of |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Kuwait |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Kyrgyzstan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Lebanon |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Macao |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Malaysia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Maldives |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Mongolia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Myanmar |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Nepal |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Oman |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Pakistan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Palestinian Territory, Occupied |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Philippines |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Qatar |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Russian Federation (Asian Regions) |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Saudi Arabia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Singapore |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Sri Lanka |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Syrian Arab Republic |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Taiwan, Province of China |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Tajikistan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Thailand |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Timor-Leste |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Turkey (Asian Regions) |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Turkmenistan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | United Arab Emirates |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Uzbekistan |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Viet Nam (a.k.a. Vietnam) |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Country | Yemen |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Event | KM Asia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Event | KM Middle East - Success Steps |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Event | KM Singapore |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | Information & Knowledge Management Society |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | Knowledge Management Development Centre |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | LASSIB Society |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation - South-East Asia |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | The Knowledge Management Institute |
Continent | Asia | is related as a | Continent | to, of, or for | Organization | The Knowledge Management Society of Korea |